
Ballet Studio

Brilliance • Beauty • Elegance


Our over 3,000 square foot studio is located at 7676 Woodbine Avenue, Unite 5 (click here to view map of our location). The Studio has two fully-equipped dance studios (with professional Harleqiun Harlequin vinyl floor and high ceilings), a dressing room and two large washrooms. We offer spacious and comfortable waiting areas for students and parents with free WiFi and plenty of free parking.


Elegance Ballet Studio is a training ground for students of all ages. Our Studio focuses on teaching students to consistently act with integrity and respect, encourages continuous improvement and fosters teamwork. Each class is innovatively designed to provide creative and progressive training techniques taught by highly qualified dance teachers who focus on developing artistic growth within every student.


2025 summer season is underway, we do have some availability in some classes, please email info@eleganceballet.com or check full schedule details you may be interested in. Register before Apr. 15, 2025, will get 10% off!


From our students and their parents.

Had a very good experience at Elegance Ballet Studio. Our son was enrolled for a summer session to cross-train and sharpen his technique for Men's Artistic Gymnastics. We found the staff very friend and accomodating. The Artistics Director is good with children and technically very - very good. She is extremely perceptive of the student's technical execution. The studio is very new and built specifically for the health and well-being of the dancers. We would highly recommend this studio.

John Sorrell


Great school and great teacher 👩‍🏫 My daughter Emily joined the school 5 years ago, she is not only learning dance skills, she has also accumulated great friendships and growth in her life.

Kaiyan Yang


6 years ago, my daughter joined Elegance Ballet Studio. Before she joined, she would cry every single class that she went to, and I couldn't help her at all. But when she joined the Elegance, she didn't cry at all due to Mrs. Zhang's kind heart. Mrs. Zhang is a very professional ballet teacher, and she is the definition of "elegance". In the 6 years my daughter has been in this studio and learned a lot. Mrs. Zhang is more than just a ballet teacher who teaches kids ballet skills,but a caring and kind person who treat her students like her own children, showering them with love and respect on every step of the way. Therefore, I'm really grateful for all of Mrs. Zhang's hard work, and she proves that she can turn any ugly duckling into a beautiful and elegant swan.

Steven Yang


我家小娃四歲開始到舞蹈學校接受一周一次的舞蹈訓練。我帶她去過多個舞蹈學校進行試課,辦班的老師們都是這個領域的翹楚,孩子年幼卻經歷了多場演出鍛煉和有趣的童年學藝訓練,家長作為藝術領域的門外漢,看到了不同的場地、不同的訓練方法和教學理念,最後,我們選擇了優雅國際芭蕾舞學校學舞,而且她也準備在這裡畢業。因為選擇了在這裡學習,也就選擇了純粹的英皇芭蕾舞訓練體系,在世界舞蹈大系裡面,芭蕾舞種的舞蹈訓練方法是先進的。 Amanda Zhang老師是學校創辦人,孩子入學以來都是師從張老師,老師的精力集中在教學上。舞蹈鍛煉使肌肉富有彈性,使關節更加靈活、協調,也能提高孩子對音樂和舞蹈的想像和表現能力,芭蕾的伴舞音樂風格典雅,我希望學鋼琴的小女舞樂兼修,相得益彰。跳舞不練功,到頭一場空。我喜歡這裡的暑期訓練班不搞全天夏令營,就是實體課基本功訓練。考級之前,張老師義務加課訓練學員,哪個學校可以像這裡一樣,每週學習三次呢?現在孩子十歲了,課業很忙,我也不能幫孩子天天練功,這實際是家長的責任,天天督導孩子練功。張老師關注每一個學生的變化,師生互動良好。這個學校滿足了我這個家長的需求,優雅國際芭蕾舞學校是華人社區的好學校。祝愿學校桃李芬芳,名揚海外。
As a student, I think it is great and fun, we get to learn other dances from other countries other than ballet. the movements are not that painful and there are also helpful and easy. I really like dancing at Elegance Ballet Studio.

Tong Shan


Dancing at Elegance Ballet Studio has been a great experience for our daughter. The instructor, Amanda Zhang, really works hard to bring out the best in each student. She really pushed our daughter to reach her full potential. Our daughter had flexibility challenges initially and thought she wouldn't go far in dance. But Amanda worked with her to help her improve and keep her in dance. Our daughter loves going here.

Lisa Li


My daughter has been learning ballet with Ms. Zhang for more than six years and she loves it so much. Ms. Zhang is an extraordinary ballet instructor who always treats students with love and respect. She knows how to inspire students, when to encourage and when to push. She is a very good role model for kids: professional, patient, kind, dedicated and elegant. Thank you Ms. Zhang and Elegance Ballet Studio!

Eric Young
