Our Studio


Our over 3,000 square foot studio is located at 7676 Woodbine Avenue, Unit 5 (click here to view map of our location). The Studio has two fully-equipped dance studios (with professional marley dancing floor with world famous Harlequin vinyl floor and high ceilings), a dressing room and two large washrooms. We offer spacious and comfortable waiting areas for students and parents with free Wi-Fi and plenty of free parking.

Safety is our top priority when considering the type of studio floors. At Elegance Ballet Studio, our raised floor is professionally designed for dancing, with proper degree of dancer absorption and resilience. The studio floor uses true sprung wood floors, surface with slip-resistant Harlequin vinyl surface, providing the best quality dance floor and maximum injury-free protection for the dancers.

We are a non-competitive dance studio and our young students thrive in our progressive, creative classes designed to offer children through teens an opportunity to study dance to its fullest.

Our Studio has two Parent Observation Days scheduled throughout the year and Annual Performance toward the end of the year. This is a wonderful opportunity to view your child's work to date, and we encourage you to invite family and friends to attend.

Our students are graceful, confident, and happy!